Diplomaátadó ünnepség
Óbudai Egyetem KGK TG. épületA Keleti Károly Gazdasági Kar a végzős hallgatóinak diplomaátadó ünnepségét 2025. február 27-én, csütörtökön, 10 órától tartja a G épület F. 17. termében.
A Keleti Károly Gazdasági Kar a végzős hallgatóinak diplomaátadó ünnepségét 2025. február 27-én, csütörtökön, 10 órától tartja a G épület F. 17. termében.
The Keleti Károly Faculty of Business and Management will hold the Graduation Ceremony for its graduating students on Thursday, 27 February 2025, from 10 a.m. in F. 17 Auditorium of Building G.
Obuda University, Keleti Károly Faculty of Business and Management (KGK) has the pleasure of inviting YOU to join the 22nd International Week from 31st March to 04th April 2025. Guest lecturers are requested to present a business or engineering-related topic (mechanical-, safety-engineering, mechatronics or electronics as well as computing/IT) of their choice emphasizing the given […]
MEB 2025 "Paradigm Shift, Rift or Drift?" is the 23rd international conference aiming to provide a forum for presenting and discussing novel aspects of and data about relevant fields of research and practice. We strive to provide an opportunity for exchanging knowledge and premonitions regarding the topics to be addressed throughout the event.