Effective date: 2024/2025 school year
Title of the Bachelor’s degree
Business Administration and Management
Educational level and qualification indicated in the degree:
a) Education level: baccalaureus, bachelor, BSc
b) Qualification: Economist in Business Administration and Management
Field of traning
Training duration
7 semesters
Number of credits required to obtain a bachelor’s degree
210 credits (180+30 credits)
a) orientation of the training: practice-oriented (60-70 percent)
b) minimum number of credits of related practical training outside the institution: 30 credits, of which the number of credits allocated to the thesis: 10 credits,
c) minimum number of credits for optional subjects: 10 credits.
The aim of the training
The aim of the training is to train economic specialists who, with their knowledge of economics, applied economics and methodology and the knowledge acquired in the framework of their specialisations, are able to understand, plan and analyse the operational processes and economic relations of business organisations and institutions. Once they have acquired practical knowledge and experience, they are able to manage and organise the activities and processes of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs. They are prepared to continue their studies at Master’s level.
Main areas of the training
Economics, methodology and business knowledge (80-90 credits) | 80 |
Basic knowledge of social sciences: (10-20 credits) | 12 |
Business administration and management professional skills: (70-90 credits) | 76 |
Credits allocated to specialisations (at most 30 credits) | 28 |
Minimum credits allocated to optional subjects (10 credits) | 12 |
Internship practice | 20 |
Thesis | 10 |
Summary: | 210 |
Internship practice
A semester-long (minimum duration of 12 weeks, 400 hours full-time, 200 hours part-time) work placement must be organised.
Criteria subjects
Completion of the criterion subjects is compulsory. No credit value is assigned to these.
Physical education: Nappali tagozaton kritérium tárgy, mely is offered in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th semesters for 2 hours per week.
Language requirements, language training
There are no foreign language requirements for issuing the degree according to the legislation of NFtv. § 51.
Form of the training
Full time
Knowledge testing
midterm mark, exam, final exam
Conditions of admission for the final exam
- a obtaining the pre-degree certificate;
- degree thesis accepted by the reviewer.
The final certificate (diploma) certifies the successful completion of the examinations prescribed in the curriculum and, with the exception of the language examination and the thesis, the fulfilment of other study requirements and the acquisition of the credits prescribed in the training and output requirements, and attests that the student has fully met the study and examination requirements prescribed in the curriculum without any grading or assessment.
The student may be admitted to the final examination after obtaining the final certificate. The final examination may be taken in the examination period following the award of the diploma, within the framework of the student’s status as a student, and within two years after the termination of the student’s status as a student, in any examination period, in accordance with the applicable training requirements. No final examination may be taken after the fifth year following the end of the student’s studies.
Components of the final exam
The final examination consists of a thesis and examinations in the subjects prescribed in the curriculum. The final examination must be taken by the student on a continuous basis, preferably on the same day. The final examination consists of oral examinations, with a minimum preparation time of 30 minutes per subject. One student may sit the examination before the board at a time.
Courses (groups of courses) covering a total of at least 20 and up to 30 credits may be selected for the final examination.
The candidate may start the examination if the final examination committee has passed the thesis with a mark of at least satisfactory (2). The conditions for the correction of unsatisfactory theses are determined by the competent institute.
The result of the final exam
The overall result of the final examination is the average of grades obtained for the thesis and the subjects of the oral part of the final exam:

The final examination is failed if any of the marks obtained is unsatisfactory.
Conditions of issuing certificates
a) Successful final exam.
Possibility of cooperative training
Cooperative training is a voluntary, complementary practical module to the University’s full-time undergraduate programme, in which the University and a company, enterprise or institution cooperate to provide students with a work placement as defined in the training objective.
Opportunities for dual training
Dual training is a form of training in a practice-intensive bachelor’s degree programme in which practical training in professionally qualified companies contracted with the University, through its curricular content, structure and the increased number of hours spent in companies and the work experience gained, increases students’ professional competence, company knowledge and strengthens their culture.
Projectmanagement and B2B marketing
Digital manager