International Conference on Economics and Business Management – ICEBM2023

We kindly invite you to the 6th  edition of the International Conference on Economics and Business Management – ICEBM2023, to be held on 10 November 2023.
The conference will be hosted by the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Babeş-Bolyai University, which is the oldest and the highest-ranking institution of higher education in Romania.

The conference will be organised in five thematic sections: accounting, business information systems, economics, finance, management and marketing.
The language of the conference will be English.
Registration fee100 EUR and it covers participation at the conference sessions, conference programme, e-book of abstracts with ISBN number, coffee breaks, lunch and dinner on 10th November, and (only for selected papers) publication costs in the scientific journal Közgazdász Fórum – Forum on Economics and Business (ISSN 1582-1986). Deadline for abstract submission: 3 October 2023.
You can find more information on the regularly updated conference website: