Thesis topics

Üzleti Tudományok és Digitális Ismeretek Intézet javasolt angol nyelvű szakdolgozat témái –
Suggested thesis topics in English

Dr. Balázs Zsuzsanna, adjunktus

  1. A kulturális félreértések hatása a nemzetközi üzleti kapcsolatokra
  2. A művészetek, a marketing és az üzleti élet viszonya
  3. Az interkulturális kompetenciák szerepe a vállalatok életében
  4. Az üzleti élet és a társadalom genderszempontú vizsgálata
  5. Business and mental health
  6. Conflict management and assertive communication
  7. Creative industry studies
  8. Design- és művészetmenedzsment
  9. Design and Arts Management
  10. Diversity management
  11. Diverzitás menedzsment
  12. Emberi erőforrás menedzsment és esélyegyenlőség
  13. Examining the relationship between business, gender, and society
  14. Gazdasági folyamatok szociálpszichológiai vizsgálata
  15. Human resource management and equal opportunities
  16. Kommunikációs viselkedésmódok hatása a szervezeti kultúrára
  17. Konfliktuskezelés és asszertív kommunikáció
  18. LMBTQA+ emberek munkahelyi tapasztalatai
  19. Minority groups in the labour market
  20. Motivációs elméletek és alkalmazásuk az emberi erőforrás menedzsmentben
  21. Művészetek és kreatívipari ismeretek
  22. Nemzetköziesítés
  23. Üzleti mentálhigiéné
  24. Social psychology and economics
  25. Társadalmi kisebbségek helyzete a munkaerőpiacon
  26. Transzgenerációs üzleti forgatókönyvek hatása a fogyasztói
  27. Transgenerational financial histories and their impact on consumer
  28. The effect of cultural misunderstandings on international business
  29. relationships
  30. The experiences of the LGBTQA+ people in the workplace
  31. The influence of communication styles on organisational culture
  32. The relationship between the arts, marketing and business life
  33. The role of intercultural competencies in business life
  34. Theories of motivation and their application in human resource
  35. Internationalization

Dr. Deák Zsuzsanna, egyetemi docens

  1. Circular economy (especially for SMEs)
  2. Food supply security, vulnerability of the food supply chains
  3. Investigating the sustainability of a selected country’s economy (sustainability and national security)
  4. Sustainable investment, sustainability rating schemes (for companies and/or countries)
  5. Development of business performance indicators (Balanced Scorecard/KPI, etc.)
  6. Complex evaluation of a given company
  7. Role of labeling, packaging, country of origin in food purchasing
  8. Investigating the sustainability of a selected country’s economy
  9. Sustainable investment, sustainability rating schemes
  10. Any other topic relating to Sustainability, Corporate Responsibility, Environmental risks, economic impacts.

Fehér-Polgár Pál, tanársegéd

1. Biometric authentication – problems, questions, solutions in theory or in practice
2. Password breaking possibilities
3. Big brother and the question of data security
4. Usage and legal questions of Torrenting
5. Benchmarking in practice
6. E-commerce in practice
7. Search engine advertisement strategy
8. Analysis of public perceptions of trust
9. Impact of trust on consumer behavior
10. Brand loyalty, the development of the internet on marketing and e-commerce

Dr. Gyarmati Gábor, adjunktus

  1. Assessing the sustainability of a company. Or sustainability How are the 3 pillars of sustainability in a company?
  2. What makes a business, a sector or an economy sustainable – a comprehensive analysis.
  3. The impact of cigarette consumption on labour and productivity.
  4. The impact of alcohol consumption on work morale and productivity.
  5. Three-dimensional economy or the emergence of morality in the economy or in a firm.
  6. Analysing the crises of our time, exploring their background. Eastern Europe, Middle East.
  7. The relationship between health and the economy. Why is it worth being healthy and why not?
  8. Business planning and business evaluation in an operating business.
  9. An analytical presentation of the market introduction of a new product in a specific business.
  10. Presentation of the characteristics of businesses and entrepreneurs in a specific enterprise.
  11. Competences required by the labour market.
  12. The impact of organisational culture on enterprises.
  13. The implementation of the enterprise strategy in an enterprise in the SME sector.
  14. A medium-sized enterprise in Hungary of your choice development path of a selected SME in Hungary, using life cycle models analysis of a business cycle.
  15. Competitiveness of agri-food trade export-import
  16. Competitiveness of products in foreign trade.
  17. The three pillars of sustainability of an agricultural product or commodity.
  18. Competitiveness of biofuels.
  19. Economic aspects of precision agriculture.
  20. Use of drones in agriculture. What are the benefits and economic aspects?
  21. Environmental protection and environmental awareness among consumers.
  22. Issues of organic or cyclical farming in the 21st century.

Dr. Keszthelyi András, egyetemi docens

1. Paradigm shift: privacy in the 21st century
2. Investigation of password selecting/using habits
3. (Partial) data modeling of a scholar information system
4. Cyber crime and defense
5. Ethical problems of (in) the virtual world

Prof. Dr. Tick Andrea egyetemi tanár

(for bachelor students)

  1. Introduction/Application of Integrated ERP system in case of SMEs
  2. Impact of the introduction of integrated ERP system on corporate structure and corporate culture
  3. Data visualisation as an effective analytical tool and its role in business intelligence
  4. Cloud-based solutions in the case of SMEs
  5. Introduction/Use of Business Intelligence for SMEs
  6. Business Intelligence as an effective tool of business efficiency
  7. IoT and big data-based complex systems as the driving force of Industry 4.0
  8. Human-centered information security
  9. Information security to serve corporate efficiency

(for masters students)

  1. The future vision of a business enterprise created by scenario method
  2. Compiling a future vision of a region/city using a selected method
  3. Foresighting in case of a selected company
  4. Crisis management as a result of the challenges of digitalization in case of a chosen industry sector or a company
  5. Digitalization in the future vision of a company/business enterprise
  6. Sustainability practice in SMEs
  7. The impact of digitalization and the use of internet on sustainability