Language: English
Registered students of the subject “New challenges of the 21st Century” will receive credits (ECTS) if they meet the requirements. Students who have registered for this course in the Neptun are obliged to:
- register for the individual lessons in the Moodle on the previous week,
- participate personally in at least five blocks of 4*45 min long lessons (or equivalent) – this is a MUST,
- write a test on the 12th week of the semester in the Moodle with a result of 50% (or above).
Final grade is calculated from the test results,
- 40% – pass,
- 55% – satisfactory,
- 70% – good,
- 85% – excellent.
Attendance: All the lessons will be on the week between 31 March and 4 April. Once again: personal attendance is a MUST and cannot be replaced with anything else, no dispensation, etc. Final timetable will be ready before the Moodle-registration starts on the previous week. See the timetables of the previous int.weeks for examples.
Program: (see link) will be finalized by the previous week.
Lessons are open: All students, lecturers and other staff members are most welcome to the lectures and seminars of the International Week.